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</",$result); $result = ereg_replace("-VVV-","
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contact: info@n2000.com'; $copyright = '

Copyright © 1998-2007 geometry.net'; if ($total_item == 0 and $searchtype != "asin" and $searchtype != "ListManiaSearch" and $mode != "review") { #print "aaa $mode"; if ($search && $mode !="office-products") { Print "Your search - $subject : $search_d - did not match any items.
You may try a new search, or browse the subcategories for $subject:

"; $search = ""; print $browse_subject; print_next_list($file_next_old, $file_url_dir, $mode); Main_Search($page_count, $mode, $search, $page, $image_size, $review, $total_page, $simple_list, $search_cgi_name, $photo_asin, $node, $sort, $searchtype, $node_name, $subject, $public_key, $private_key); } elseif ($search) { Print "Your search - $subject : $search_d - did not match any items.

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Questions on ordering or shipping? click here for help."; } #if ($mode != "office-products") #{ print $copyright; print $contact; #} print ""; print '

hit counter
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The server is probably busy or down! Please reload again!"; } $result = ereg_replace("\n","",$result); ############################### delete #print "\n\n\n $result \n\n\n"; #$reg = "/(.*?)<\/a><\/b>
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Store Home "; if ($mode != "office-products") { if ($search and $searchtype != "asin" and $searchtype != "list") { print " Search: $subject - $search $searchtitle"; } elseif ($searchtype == "asin") { print " Search: $subject - Items similar to \"$productname\""; } elseif ($searchtype == "list") { print " Search: $subject - \"$productname\" - Favorite Lists"; } elseif(!$photo_asin) { print " Browse:   $subject $node_desc "; } else { print " $subjectt"; } } else { print " Search: $subject"; } # print "Search UK | Germany Sites
"; #print "
$font_size_1 Choose small image size (40 x 60) or simple list if you have a slow connection
"; $my_count = 0; if ($mode == "books") { #print "

The server for searching books is temporarily down.
Please try later! You may search other subjects,
or use the following list to browse books.
"; } } function print_form($type, $mode, $search, $page, $image_size, $review, $total_page, $subject, $search_cgi_name, $simple_list, $sort, $searchtype) { #print "
sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss $search "; #print "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk $search_cgi_name aaaaa"; #print $total_page."aaaaaaaaaaa\n"; $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; $font_color = "#000000"; $link = "#003399"; $alink = "#ff9933"; $vlink = "#996633"; $font_text = "#000000"; $font_face = ""; $font_face_1 = ""; $font_face_2 = ""; $font_size = "3"; print "

"; if ($type) { #print ""; #print "Advanced Search:"; } print "
"; print "
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$font_face_1 Review"; print " Image only"; print " Results 
"; } if (!$type) { #print "Advanced
"; print "
Image Size:   Small  Medium   "; if ($image_size == "large") { print "checked"; } #print ">Large"; } else { print "
Image SizeSML"; } #write_page_line("foot", $p, $loglength, $num_rec, $base_file); #####################only for sports ################################### #&print_next_list; print ""; #if ($type) #{ print "
"; #} print "
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"; #print "

Result Item:          "; if ($tnumber <= $total_item) { print $lnumber."-".$tnumber." of $total_item Results \n"; } else { print $lnumber."-".$total_item." of $total_item Results \n"; } #print "
Page:           "; if ($page_count > 1) { print "      Previous    \n"; } else { #print "      Page:      "; } $page_add = 1; if ($page_count - $page_digit > $page_dif) { $page_add = $page_count - $page_digit; print "  First\n"; $page_add_half = number_format(($page_count - $page_digit)/2, 0, "", ""); print "<\n"; } $t = 1; $last_print_page = $last_page; if ($last_page - $page_count - $page_digit > $page_dif) { $last_print_page = $page_count + $page_digit; } if ($page_count > 1) { while($t <= $total_item && $page_add <= $last_print_page) { #print "t = $t, total_item = $total_item, page_add = $page_add last = $last_print_page"; $t = $page_add*$num_rec; if ($page_add != $page_count) { print "$page_add\n"; } else { print "$page_add\n"; } if ($page_add < 10) { print " "; } $page_add += 1; } if ($last_page - $page_count - $page_digit > $page_dif) { $last_page_add_half = $page_count + $page_digit + number_format(($last_page - $page_count - $page_digit)/2, 0, "", ""); print ">\n"; print "Last\n"; } } if ($tnumber < $total_item) { print "       Next\n"; } print "$write_head_2

"; } function print_next_list($file_next_old, $file_url_dir, $mode) { global $SCRIPT_NAME; global $image_size; global $review; global $total_page; global $simple_list; $search_cgi_name = "$SCRIPT_NAME"; #$font_face_1 = ""; if(file_exists($file_next_old)) { $next_old_info = file("$file_next_old"); #print "print next list $next_old_info $my_n, $mmm, $nnn, \n"; $next_list = split("\|", $next_old_info[0]); $next_list_count = count($next_list); $next_html_list = ""; #print "------- $next_list_count"; if ($next_list_count > 1) { print "\n
\n"; $count = 0; $Length = count($next_list) - 1; $halflength = ($Length + $Length%2)/2; while (list ($key, $t) = each ($next_list)) { $key_index = split("\@", $t); #$node_no = $key_index[0]; #$head_title = $key_index[1]; #added 4/24/2004 for online-store $node_no = $key_index[1]; $head_title = $key_index[0]; $count++; #$file_name_url = $file_url_dir."$node_no/index.html"; $head_title_1 = rawurlencode($head_title); $file_name_url = $search_cgi_name."?mode=$mode&node=$node_no&node_name=$head_title_1&simple_list=$simple_list&image_size=$image_size&review=$review&total_page=$total_page"; $line = "
  • ".$head_title."\n"; #print $line." ".$Length."\n"; if ($count <= $Length) { if ($count <= $halflength) { print $line; } if ($count == $halflength + 1) { print "
  • \n"; } if ($count >= $halflength + 1) { print $line; } } } print "\n

    \n"; } } } function format($line) { $array_line = split(" ", $line); $new_auth = count($array_line); $whole_line = ""; for($x_au=0;$x_au<$new_auth;$x_au++) { $auth = "$array_line[$x_au]"; if ($auth) { $whole_line .= "$auth "; } } $whole_line = ereg_replace(" $", "", $whole_line); return $whole_line; } function format_1($line) { $line = eregi_replace("<", "<", $line); $line = eregi_replace(">",">",$line); $line = eregi_replace("&#160;&#8211;&#160;", " - ", $line); return $line; } ?>